Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Definition: An arrangement of words in a rhythmic pattern.
Example: And the sound of the voice that is still.
Significance: Meter helps find the rhythm in a poem.


Definition: Identity of words mostly at the end of the word or line.
Example: Hes not a normal dog.
                Hid fur is the color of a log.
Significance: I makes the poem have a better flow in words.


Definition: A rhythm is the alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables.
Example: When the dog bites.
                When the bee stings.
                When i'm feeling sad.
Significance: Rhythm helps you verify the stress and unstressed parts in a poem.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Definition: It is a group of words that are used to make a sound.
Example: Baa Baa Black Sheep 
Significance: It helps you understand how something sounds.


Definition: Personification is when an author makes an inanimate object have human traits.

Example: The stars danced playfully in the nigh sky.
Significance: It helps make things a character that you wouldn't usually see.


Definition: When an author describes an action or feeling with one of the five senses.
Example: You can hear the screech from the nails rubbing on the chalkboard.
Significance: It makes the poem seem more real and makes the reader relate to the poem better.


Definition: A figure of speech in which two unlike things are explicitly compared.
Example: Laughs like a hyena.

Significance: Similes are important because they make the poem seem more real.

Friday, May 18, 2012


Definition: The definition of repitition is to repeat the same word multiple times in a poem.
Example: If you can keep your head when all about you
               Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
               If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
               But make allowance for their doubting too:
               If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
               Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
               Or being hated don't give way to hating.
Significance: It is significant because it shows that the author is trying to emphasize a specific point.


Definiton: The tone is the way that you say something and you can tell the way that you are feeling with a certain tone.
Example:Words of wisdom
              come to my ears,
              Telling me what I know in my heart,
               But never wanted to hear.

Significance: The significance of tone is that tone lets you know how the poet was feeling when writting the poem.


Definition: Interpretation is the way that you see something to make it more clear.
Example: The way that we interpreted oh captain my captain is that we said Abraham Lincoln is the captain.
Significance: The significance of interpretation is that it helps you understand the poem more clearly.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Metaphor: A term or phrase that is not literal but shows a symbol or a message.
Extended Metaphor: It is an idea that is built upon a metaphor.
Example: How did your test go.
               Your test cannot technically get up and go anywhere so this is a metaphor.
Significance: The significance of a metaphor is that it helps describe an idea in a unique way.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Definition: The speaker is the point of view that the poem is written in. It doesn't always have to be the author.

Example: 1st personWhen I wake up in the morning
                      I am like a grouchy grizzly bear.

            2nd person:When you wake up in the morning
                         You are like a grouchy grizzly bear.
Significance: The significance of the speaker is so that you can see the point of view that author wanted to show.


Thursday, May 10, 2012


Defintition: A symbol is a message that is put in the poem to express the authors feelings.

Example: Rose, thou art sick!
                The invisible worm
                That flies in the night,
                In the howling storm,
                Has found out thy bed
               Of crimson joy:
               And his dark secret love
               Does thy life destroy.

Significace: It lets you know how the author was feeling when he or she made the poem.


Definition: It is a group of two lines that has to ryhme.
Example:Cheese is a food.
              I’m in a cheese mood.
Significance: Couplets are important because it puts ryhmes in a poem. Having ryhmes in a poem is a certain type of poetry.


Definition; It is a group of lines in a poem. Somewhat like a paragraph.
Example: Memory is a fragile thing;
              A bee’s honey, and its sting.
Significance: This term is important to poetry because it groups poems into a certain order so it makes the poem look more neat instead of it being all in one bunch.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Definition: A form of writting that expresses great emotion and passion.
Example:Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
Significance:The significance of poetry is that it lets people express themselves and get out their feelings. It is a type of writing that gets out a message that a lot of people understand.