Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Definition: An arrangement of words in a rhythmic pattern.
Example: And the sound of the voice that is still.
Significance: Meter helps find the rhythm in a poem.


Definition: Identity of words mostly at the end of the word or line.
Example: Hes not a normal dog.
                Hid fur is the color of a log.
Significance: I makes the poem have a better flow in words.


Definition: A rhythm is the alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables.
Example: When the dog bites.
                When the bee stings.
                When i'm feeling sad.
Significance: Rhythm helps you verify the stress and unstressed parts in a poem.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Definition: It is a group of words that are used to make a sound.
Example: Baa Baa Black Sheep 
Significance: It helps you understand how something sounds.


Definition: Personification is when an author makes an inanimate object have human traits.

Example: The stars danced playfully in the nigh sky.
Significance: It helps make things a character that you wouldn't usually see.


Definition: When an author describes an action or feeling with one of the five senses.
Example: You can hear the screech from the nails rubbing on the chalkboard.
Significance: It makes the poem seem more real and makes the reader relate to the poem better.


Definition: A figure of speech in which two unlike things are explicitly compared.
Example: Laughs like a hyena.

Significance: Similes are important because they make the poem seem more real.